Fri, May 15, 2020

General Guidelines on Consultation from the Medical Services Unit




1. The three (3) campus clinics (TSU Main Campus, Lucinda Extension Campus, San Isidro Extension Campus) will resume its operations on May 19, 2020 from 7:00AM to 6:00PM 

2. CONSULTATION IS PER APPOINTMENT ONLY EXCEPT FOR EMERGENCY CASES. Please schedule your appointment at the Main Clinic by calling tel no. (045)-606-8136 (look for Erika Bugasto).

3. CONSULTATION IS IN THE MAIN CLINIC ONLY. The San Isidro and Lucinda Campus Clinics are only open to cater other medical concerns and treatments EXCEPT those with COVID-19 signs and symptoms.

4. ALL INDIVIDUALS WITH FEVER, COUGH, SORE THROAT, AND/OR ANY OTHER SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF COVID-19, please proceed to the designated area for suspected COVID-19 cases at the Main Clinic using the entrance INSIDE THE MAIN ADMINISTRATION BUILDING.

5. FOR OTHER CONSULTATION AND CONCERNS, please use the Main Clinic's SIDE ENTRANCE by the TSU Main pathway.


1. ALL are subjected to THERMAL SCANNING upon entry to all university premises by the security personnel on post.
a. Individuals with temperature of 37.8C or above WILL NOT BE ALLOWED to enter.

2. Please STRICTLY adhere to the following and make these a HABIT:
a. Physical distancing of at least 1 meter apart. 
b. Wearing of face mask to give emphasis to the university's policy of "NO mask, NO entry".
c. Frequent washing of hands
d. Proper use of alcohol / sanitizer
e. For individuals who are 60 y/o and above; those with pre-existing conditions like Hypertension, Diabetes, Bronchial Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD); or women who are pregnant, they are advised to seek CLEARANCE from the Medical Services Unit (MSU).

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